
Showing posts from March, 2016

BOILER PARTS (Water wall and Drum)

Boiler Parts : Water walls Almost all modern power boilers are equipped with water walls. In large boilers, water walls completely cover the interior surfaces of the furnace providing practically complete elimination of exposed refractory surface; Waterwalls serve as the only means of heating and evaporating the feed water supplied to the boiler from  economizers . Waterwalls usually consists of tangential vertical tubes and are connected at the top and bottom to headers. These tubes receive water from the boiler drum by means of downcomers connected between drum and Waterwalls lower header (Bottom Ring Header). In a boiler approximately 50% of the heat released by combustion of fuel in the furnace is  absorbed  by Waterwalls. Heat so absorbed by the Waterwalls is used in evaporation of water supplied to the boiler. The evaporated steam supplied to Boiler Drum again by mean of riser tubes from top header of water wall. W/W Top Header water wall of a thermal powe...

Thermal Power Plant (Boiler Parts)

Boiler : Boiler is a steam generator which is used to generate super heated steam to rotate the turbine. There are many type of boiler according to their use, but we concentrate on modern boiler used in high capacity thermal power plant. In modern power plant mainly pulverized fuel fired boilers are working. Type of boiler according to fire location : 1. Corner fired boiler ( BHEL make this type of boiler) 2. Front and rear fired boiler (ABB Make) Main parts of a pulverized fuel boiler ;- 1. Water wall 2. Boiler Drum 3. Economizer 4. Primary or Low Temperature Super Heater ( LTSH) 5. Platen super Heater 6. Final Super Heater 7. Radiant Super Heater 8. Re heater 9. Steam cooled wall 10. Air Pre heater A schematic diagram of a 210 MW boiler is showing in fig.  Power plant boiler - 1 For more details click on below link :

Introduction to Thermal Power Plant

INTRODUCTION TO THERMAL POWER PLANT: The thermal power plant are coal based power plants. It uses coal as a fuel to generate steam from water in its boiler. There is a closed cycle to enable the working fluid (water) to be used again and again. The cycle used in steam power plant is “Rankine Reheat and Regenerative cycle (modified Rankine cycle).  The figure shows this cycle and is self explanatory. Simple power plant steam water cycle  Rankine Reheat and Regenerative Cycle [2] On large turbines, it becomes economical to increase the cycle efficiency  by using reheat, by returning partially expanded steam, to a reheater, the average temperature at which heat is added, is increased and, by expanding this reheated steam to the remaining stages of the turbine, the exhaust wetness is considerably less than it would otherwise be conversely. Regenerative heating of the boiler feed water is widely used in modern Power plants; the effect being to increase the average temperatu...


गति के नियम :   प्रथम नियम : यदि कोई वस्तु स्थिर है  या एक समान गति से गतिमान है तो तब तक उसी अवस्था में रहेगी जब तक कि उस पर कोई बाह्य बल आरोपित  न किया जाये। द्धितीय नियम : आरोपित बाह्य बल (F ) वस्तु के द्रव्यमान (m ) एवं उत्पन्न त्वरण (a ) के गुणक के बराबर होता है गणितीय रूप में F = m x a. यदि हम नियत द्रव्यमान पर आरोपित बाह्य बल को बढ़ाते है तो उत्पन्न त्वरण भी बढ़ेगा,  एवं यदि द्रव्यमान को दोगुना कर दिया जाये तो समान बल पर आधा त्वरण उत्पन्न होगा। (बल एवं त्वरण दोनों सदिश राशि है एवं त्वरण की दिशा हमेशा ही आरोपित बल की दिशा में होती है ) तृतीय नियम : प्रत्येक क्रिया की समान एवं विपरीत प्रतिक्रिया होती है। बल : बल वह बाहरी कारक है जो किसी वस्तु या पदार्थ को हटाने, तोड़ने या गतिमान करने का प्रयत्न करता है। यहाँ हमने बल को एक बाहरी कारक माना है क्युकि यह हमेशा ही  बाहरी रूप से कार्य करता है, इसके विपरीत वस्तु जो आतंरिक रूप से विरोध करती है उसे प्रतिक्रिया माना जाता है। ( जिंदगी की यांत्रिकी  ;  इन नियमो को जिंदगी में कैसे लागु करे हम इस उदा...

इंजीनियरिंग मैकेनिक्स एंड मैकेनिक्स ऑफ़ लाइफ

इंजीनियरिंग मैकेनिक्स एंड मैकेनिक्स ऑफ़ लाइफ  (अभियान्त्रिकी एवं जिंदगी की यांत्रिकी  ) यांत्रिकी   Mechanics यांत्रिकी भौतिक शास्त्र की एक शाखा है, जो बल एवं उसके किसी वस्तु या कण पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव, या कण के  द्रव्यमान, जड़त्व,गति आदि का अध्ययन  करती है। ( कण उस वस्तु को माना जाता है जिसका द्रव्यमान नगण्य हो, या ऐसा कहे कि उस वस्तु पर लगने वाले बाह्य बालो की तुलना में वस्तु का भार नगण्य हो। ) यह यांत्रिकी की एक सरल परिभाषा है हम इसमें कुछ और भी जोड़ सकते है। जैसा कि यह बल एवं उसके प्रभाव से संबंधित है; हम इसके सिद्धान्तो को जिंदगी से भी जोड़ सकते है, क्युकि दैनिक जीवन में भी कई बाहरी चीजो का प्रभाव पड़ता है।  जैसे नौकरी, परिवार, सम्बन्ध, पैसा, दोस्ती, तनाव, ख़ुशी, आदि। मैंने इसे एक नाम देना उचित समझा   "जिंदगी की यांत्रिकी " (मैकेनिक्स ऑफ़ लाइफ ) सबसे पहले हम यांत्रिकी के सिद्धांतो को समझेंगे फिर उन्हें जिंदगी पर लागु कर के देखेंगे। बलो के संतुलन के प्रश्नो को हल कीजिये फिर उन्हें सम्बन्धो एवं नौकरी / व्यवस...

Engineering Mechanics 1

Engineering Mechanics Newtons Law of motion: First Law : A body remains at rest or continues its constant  motion, until and unless an external force applied on it. Second Law : The applied force is equal to product of mass of body and  acceleration  .  Simply  written as F = ma. If we increase force on a constant mass then  acceleration  will increases, and if we double the mass the  acceleration  will down by half at same application of force. (Force and  acceleration  are vector quantity and having same direction) Third Law : Every action has equal and opposite reaction. Force : Force is an external agent which moves or try to move or destroy or try to  destroy  any body or  substance . Here I have consider force as an external agent because force is always  lying  out side, an internal  force  always try to oppose this force known as  reaction . [  Mechanics o...

Engineering Mechanics & Mechanics of Life

Engineering Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics is branch of physics which deals with force and its effects, mass, moment, inertia, motion of a body or particle. (Particle is a body having negligible mass) This is a simple definition of mechanics, we can add some more things also in it. Now as it deals with forces and its effects on a body, so we can correlate it with our daily life, as many external forces like job, family,relationship,money,friends,tension, happiness etc affect us in daily routine. I would like to named it "Mechanics of Life". First of all we should understand the basic concepts of mechanics and then correlate it with life. Try to solve the problems of balancing of forces and apply it on daily life to balance relationship and duties. For more details click on :-